Florida Mortgage Trends

Call ASAP - to lock your loan Today - Lowest Rates of 2010!!

May 24th, 2010 8:01 AM by Scott Bray


     The interest rates that we have seen in the Month of May 2010 have been the lowest on record in 2010 to date.  If you are in the market searching for a home or looking to refinance your home, this is the best time currently to lock a loan!!

     Quite often people want to wait to see a clear bottom in mortgage rates, unfortunately we never know if rates are at their lowest levels until they've gone up. So by the time you realize mortgage rates aren't going any lower, they've already started rising. 

      I can sum up the lock/float debate with one question. If you were offered the mortgage rates we are seeing today, two months ago...would you have locked then? I believe everyone would answer yes to that question.

     Please call us at (321) 777-7277 today & we will be happy to discuss your mortgage & housing goals today!  Should of, Would have, Could have is not something I want you to be saying soon.  We're here to help!!

Posted in:General
Posted by Scott Bray on May 24th, 2010 8:01 AM


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